
Solutions to thrive in the age of Digitalisation and Compliance
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Insurance services

Services we deliver

The dynamic and regulated insurance industry is demanding a highly responsive customer approach, and compliant business environment. We provide solutions to earn customer loyalty and unlock new revenue growth opportunities.

Mainframe Support & Migration

Legacy Modernization & Migration

Claim & Policy Portals

Open Insurance Solutions

InsureTech SaaS Development

Project Management & Implementation

Our solution

Agile Information Systems

Integrate new technologies with your mainframe systems and platforms to enhance business agility.

Enhanced Operational Flows

Overcome performance bottlenecks in the process. Leverage custom built solutions with streamlined workflows.

Compliant & Modern Ecosystem

Leverage connected up-to-date information systems to provide efficient operations and deliver personalised services. Incorporate the latest security protocols and compliance standards to ensure data protection and regulatory compliance.

Secure Environments

Protect your data and reputation from cyber-attacks with integrated applications that use encryption, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring.

Cost Reduction

Eliminate redundant legacy systems. Migrate necessary features to the modern technology and infrastructure to do more with less.
Why birkle IT

Merge tech innovation with industry know-how

Disruptive supply chains pose challenges to stay competitive on freight forwarding and transportation companies. To address this we create flexible shipment pricing models and scalable microservices to integrate data from legacy systems. These features streamline operations throughout entire supply chain from office to partners and customers.
1Expertise and experience

Proven track record

Successfully completed over 40 large IT projects

Specialized skills

Deep expertise in the Java Stack

Industry knowledge

Extensive experience across the SEA and AIR Logistics domains
2Comprehensive solutions
3Innovation and adaptability
4Strong partnerships
5Commitment to excellence
Business Values

Co-Create for Benefits

Achieve operational efficiency with innovative solutions by integrating with existing systems. Streamline workflows, achieve required level of security and compliance to provide robust data protection with personalised customer experience. Optimise IT infrastructure for cost savings, sustainability and resilience of your business.

Operational Efficiency

Get the most out of your business model with innovative solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and external services.

Personalized Customer Experience

Leverage data insights and customized user experience tailored to individual needs.

Security & Compliance

Ensure the highest level of security and compliance for data protection, and handling of sensitive information.

Cost Savings

Optimize IT infrastructure to reduce costs, improve performance, eliminate costly errors and allocate resources for maximum business outcome.

Streamlined Workflows

Enhance productivity and reduce bottlenecks, delivering faster and more effective services.

Sustainability & Resilience

Harness eco-friendly practices and technologies that adapt to emerging industry requirements.
Where we excel

Frameworks and technologies we work with

Welcome to our journey of creating bespoke digital solutions that align perfectly with your vision and business goals. At birkle IT, we follow a collaborative approach to ensure every step is guided by your needs and aspirations. Together with you we pick for the most competitive
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Case studies

Baltics recent projects


IT security tool


Agile pricing in air freight


Remote tower

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Photo of Marco Spielmann

Marco Spielmann

CEO of birkle IT Estonia