Optimize processes
Gain more time for your patientHealthcare
User-friendly, innovative and high quality healthcare services
In the age of digitalization, fast communication and new billing systems, all participants in the healthcare sector have to face new challenges. Daily work processes are getting more and more fast and complex, administrative tasks are steadily increasing. Hardware and software are often outdated, or only conditionally user-friendly. All forces of healthcare have less and less time for their actual tasks like care, treatment and healing of their patients. Doctors and nursing staff are put under enorm time and performance pressure. Healing of patients isn’t the only increasingly important factor, revenues are also playing a more important role in healthcare. High quality treatment and economic efficiency are often two interests which are hard to combine. Doctors stand in a field of tension between economy and the mission of healing.
On the other hand there are many exciting developments in the synergy of medicine and technology. New treatment possibilities are supported through high-grade EDP systems. Innovative technologies (navigation, robotics, nanotechnology, augmented reality and many others) in medicine and pharmacology are already building the future of tomorrow.
We see ourselves as service providers for fast, intelligent, individualized and user-friendly solutions in healthcare. Customer friendliness and good service are paramount for us. We listen to your suggestions and together we develope an optimal solution.
From our point of view EDP should always serve the user, and not the other way around!
Based on many years of experience in the healthcare and IT areas, we solve acute as well as long-term tasks with know-how and creativity. We enjoy challenges, no matter wether it’s a problem that needs a quick solution, or a new Idea or Innovation that is waiting to be implemented.
Our Service
- Medical Controlling (Consulting – Schooling – Analysis)
Based on our long-standing experience in the medicinal controlling area, we help you optimize your work processes and your documentation. We create individual analysis/evaluation for you, and school you and your personal, as required, in current and important subject areas like DRG (diagnosis-related groups), encoding, grouper-software, handling requests from insurance companies, and site visits by the medical service of the health funds (MDK).
Recent: Catalog effect calculations - Development of new software
We develop user-friendly software for you, which is adapted individually to your work processes.
Recent: Software MDK and requests from insurance companies
For the daily occurrence of site visits by the MDK, and for all incoming requests from insurance companies, we develop fast and user-friendly Software for collecting, evaluating, and calculating the relevant DRG data. - Replacement of legacy systems
We advise you on replacing your old EDP systems. - Optimization of current systems and software
We advise and support you with solving problems and with optimizing your current EDP systems. Even urgent problems are no problem for us. - Digitalization of data-/document management
We support you with the digitalization of your file and patient data. We also provide you with an intelligent and user-friendly document management system. - Digitalization of data-/document management
We establish new innovations together with you, and support you when it comes to studying projects, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies, for example in the areas of navigation, medicinal robotics, nanomedicine, and augmented reality.
- Medical Controlling (Consulting – Schooling – Analysis)